About Mad Yudhistira

Made Bagus Yudhistira,15 years old,Born in Denpasar, December 31st 1994,live in Bandung,real Balinesse,Study at SMA Negeri 9 Bandung(in my first year at Senior High School) then move to SMA Negeri 3 Bandung (since graduated to 11th grade,science program),a Guitarist,Bassit of Sacrifice Flight,not yet a pianist,Aviation Lover,Professional Photographer (already captured more than 2000 pictures and about 300 pictures have been uploaded),handsome guy,and reliable.

to got more information about me,

follow twitter @madegood

add facebook “Made Good Yudhistira”

2 Komentar (+add yours?)

  1. chacha
    Sep 11, 2010 @ 15:39:22

    Apaan nih kirain rame taunya biodata doang -____-


    • made4earth
      Sep 16, 2010 @ 07:44:15

      maaf anda salah link cari di bagian beranda ok


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